We are Christ-followers who love God & you.

What We Believe
We are Christ-followers who worship God and love you. It is our prayer to faithfully follow Scripture, glorify God, and make disciples of Christ among all nations.
We are . . .
Christian - We accept and believe the Bible (Genesis through Revelation) to be God's inspired and preserved written Word for all people. We look to the Scriptures as our sole authority in all matters of faith and practice. The whole of Scripture reveals to us the triune God, Who calls sinners everywhere to repent and trust in Christ, Who died and rose again for the redemption of repentant sinners.
Baptist - We practice baptism Scripturally as an early step of obedience for born-again Christians to identify with Christ and His church. This involves being immersed under water and raised up out of the water, picturing the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This act gives testimony to the Christian's faith in the Gospel and his desire to "die" to self and live new life in Christ. It also declares the church's trust that the person's profession of faith is genuine, embracing the new believer into committed discipleship within the church.
Congregational - Our local church membership of saved, baptized believers is responsible to the Lord and to one another for the health and leadership of our church. The church is led, but not ruled, by pastors and elders, and there are no other organizational structures between our local leadership and Christ, Who is Head of the church.
Read more of what we believe here.
We are . . .
Christian - We accept and believe the Bible (Genesis through Revelation) to be God's inspired and preserved written Word for all people. We look to the Scriptures as our sole authority in all matters of faith and practice. The whole of Scripture reveals to us the triune God, Who calls sinners everywhere to repent and trust in Christ, Who died and rose again for the redemption of repentant sinners.
Baptist - We practice baptism Scripturally as an early step of obedience for born-again Christians to identify with Christ and His church. This involves being immersed under water and raised up out of the water, picturing the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This act gives testimony to the Christian's faith in the Gospel and his desire to "die" to self and live new life in Christ. It also declares the church's trust that the person's profession of faith is genuine, embracing the new believer into committed discipleship within the church.
Congregational - Our local church membership of saved, baptized believers is responsible to the Lord and to one another for the health and leadership of our church. The church is led, but not ruled, by pastors and elders, and there are no other organizational structures between our local leadership and Christ, Who is Head of the church.
Read more of what we believe here.
What We Believe
We are . . .
Christian - We accept and believe the Bible (Genesis through Revelation) to be God's inspired and preserved written Word for all people. We look to the Scriptures as our sole authority in all matters of faith and practice. The whole of Scripture reveals to us the triune God, Who calls sinners everywhere to repent and trust in Christ, Who died and rose again for the redemption of repentant sinners.
Baptist - We practice baptism Scripturally as an early step of obedience for born-again Christians to identify with Christ and His church. This involves being immersed under water and raised up out of the water, picturing the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This act gives testimony to the Christian's faith in the Gospel and his desire to "die" to self and live new life in Christ. It also declares the church's trust that the person's profession of faith is genuine, embracing the new believer into committed discipleship within the church.
Congregational - Our local church membership of saved, baptized believers is responsible to the Lord and to one another for the health and stewardship of our church. The church is led, but not ruled, by pastors and elders, and there are no other organizational structures between our local leadership and Christ, Who is Head of the church.
Read more of what we believe here.
Christian - We accept and believe the Bible (Genesis through Revelation) to be God's inspired and preserved written Word for all people. We look to the Scriptures as our sole authority in all matters of faith and practice. The whole of Scripture reveals to us the triune God, Who calls sinners everywhere to repent and trust in Christ, Who died and rose again for the redemption of repentant sinners.
Baptist - We practice baptism Scripturally as an early step of obedience for born-again Christians to identify with Christ and His church. This involves being immersed under water and raised up out of the water, picturing the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This act gives testimony to the Christian's faith in the Gospel and his desire to "die" to self and live new life in Christ. It also declares the church's trust that the person's profession of faith is genuine, embracing the new believer into committed discipleship within the church.
Congregational - Our local church membership of saved, baptized believers is responsible to the Lord and to one another for the health and stewardship of our church. The church is led, but not ruled, by pastors and elders, and there are no other organizational structures between our local leadership and Christ, Who is Head of the church.
Read more of what we believe here.

Leadership God Has Given
Scriptures tell us that the Spirit adds members into the church and gifts churches with pastors and elders to lead, teach, and love them in Christ. We are thankful to the Lord for the leadership He has given us, and we pray He continues to add and develop more leaders within our church for His glory and Gospel advancement.
We know leaders within a church have a particular accountability to God for how they exercise this office among His church. Because of this, we especially pray for those within our church who obey God's calling to fulfill this responsibility faithfully. Notice the weighty instruction written by Apostle Paul to the pastors in the church of Ephesus:
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. Acts 20:28
Meet the pastors and elders who serve within our church.
We know leaders within a church have a particular accountability to God for how they exercise this office among His church. Because of this, we especially pray for those within our church who obey God's calling to fulfill this responsibility faithfully. Notice the weighty instruction written by Apostle Paul to the pastors in the church of Ephesus:
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. Acts 20:28
Meet the pastors and elders who serve within our church.

Leadership God Has Given Us
Scriptures tell us that the Spirit adds members into the church and gifts churches with pastors and elders to lead, teach, and love them in Christ. We are thankful to the Lord for the leadership He has given us, and we pray He continues to add and develop more leaders within our church for His glory and Gospel advancement.
We know leaders within a church have a particular accountability to God for how they exercise this office among His church. Because of this, we especially pray for those within our church who obey God's calling to fulfill this responsibility faithfully. Notice the weighty instruction written by Apostle Paul to the pastors in the church of Ephesus:
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. Acts 20:28
Meet the pastors and elders who serve within our church.
We know leaders within a church have a particular accountability to God for how they exercise this office among His church. Because of this, we especially pray for those within our church who obey God's calling to fulfill this responsibility faithfully. Notice the weighty instruction written by Apostle Paul to the pastors in the church of Ephesus:
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. Acts 20:28
Meet the pastors and elders who serve within our church.

What God Is Doing
God began establishing this local church in 1969. Those early days started in Mark Twain Elementary School. We give God praise for advancing the Gospel through us as well as through other faithful churches in our community and world.
It is our privilege to be a part of the church Christ is building by the Spirit. We continue to see God rescuing sinners to Himself into His loving church. By God's grace, we are seeing Christ's Gospel transform our lives and the lives of others for His glory. It is to this end that we partner together as a church and with other churches.
If you visit us in one of our gatherings or meet one of us in the community, we pray you will experience the love and truth of Christ in us. You will certainly find us to be imperfect, but we do hope you will see that God is truly transforming our hearts and lives. We are not what we should be, but we are not what we were before knowing Christ!
Because we desire to see God continually working in us, our activities are centered around expositional preaching, interactive Bible studies, worshipful singing, sacrificial giving and service, discipling relationships, and community witness. We truly hope you will gather with us for worship or for one of our upcoming events.
It is our privilege to be a part of the church Christ is building by the Spirit. We continue to see God rescuing sinners to Himself into His loving church. By God's grace, we are seeing Christ's Gospel transform our lives and the lives of others for His glory. It is to this end that we partner together as a church and with other churches.
If you visit us in one of our gatherings or meet one of us in the community, we pray you will experience the love and truth of Christ in us. You will certainly find us to be imperfect, but we do hope you will see that God is truly transforming our hearts and lives. We are not what we should be, but we are not what we were before knowing Christ!
Because we desire to see God continually working in us, our activities are centered around expositional preaching, interactive Bible studies, worshipful singing, sacrificial giving and service, discipling relationships, and community witness. We truly hope you will gather with us for worship or for one of our upcoming events.
What God is Doing
God began establishing this local church in 1969. Those early days started in Mark Twain Elementary School. We give God praise for advancing the Gospel through us as well as through other faithful churches in our community and world.
It is our privilege to be a part of the church Christ is building by the Spirit. We continue to see God rescuing sinners to Himself into His loving church. By God's grace, we are seeing Christ's Gospel transform our lives and the lives of others for His glory. It is to this end that we partner together as a church and with other churches.
If you visit us in one of our gatherings or meet one of us in the community, we pray you will experience the love and truth of Christ in us. You will certainly find us to be imperfect, but we do hope you will see that God is truly transforming our hearts and lives. We are not what we should be, but we are not what we were before knowing Christ!
Because we desire to see God continually working in us, our activities are centered around expositional preaching, interactive Bible studies, worshipful singing, sacrificial giving and service, discipling relationships, and community witness. We truly hope you will gather with us for worship. Maybe you would like to watch in online first. If so, we invite you to view our livestream.
It is our privilege to be a part of the church Christ is building by the Spirit. We continue to see God rescuing sinners to Himself into His loving church. By God's grace, we are seeing Christ's Gospel transform our lives and the lives of others for His glory. It is to this end that we partner together as a church and with other churches.
If you visit us in one of our gatherings or meet one of us in the community, we pray you will experience the love and truth of Christ in us. You will certainly find us to be imperfect, but we do hope you will see that God is truly transforming our hearts and lives. We are not what we should be, but we are not what we were before knowing Christ!
Because we desire to see God continually working in us, our activities are centered around expositional preaching, interactive Bible studies, worshipful singing, sacrificial giving and service, discipling relationships, and community witness. We truly hope you will gather with us for worship. Maybe you would like to watch in online first. If so, we invite you to view our livestream.

Follow Christ With Us
Join us Sunday at 10:45 am
4905 Franconia Rd, Alexandria VA
4905 Franconia Rd, Alexandria VA
Let's connect before your visit.