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Mark 13:10 | The Gospel And Mission Of Christ

Sep 29, 2024    John Cole

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God ensures the gospel goes to the nations through the work of Christ, as He promised. The nations exist in every generation, so this is not a project for us to achieve. Rather, it is the way of life for all true Christians until Christ comes again.


Mark 13:10 And the gospel must first be published among all nations.


The Lord of the gospel succeeds at  accomplishing  it.

Isaiah 42:1-9

Q: Can you think of ways in which you might wrongly seek the glory for what God does? 

Enemies of the gospel fail at  preventing  it.

Matthew 16:18

Q: How might you live like you think the gospel is being defeated?

Persecution of the gospel results in  validating  it. 

Mark 13:9; Acts 7:51-60; 25:8-12

Q: If it is God’s will for you to suffer for the name of Christ, do you trust God’s purposes will accomplish more good than yours?

Messengers of the gospel persevere in  telling  it.

Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 8:3-4; Romans 1:15-16

Q: With whom are you actively sharing the gospel?

Converts of the gospel assemble to  live  it.

Hebrews 10:23-25; 1 Timothy 4:13; Colossians 3:15-17

Q: Do you agree that assembling as a church is central to your obedience in and witness of the gospel? 

Churches of the gospel partner to  send  it.

Acts 13:1-3; Philippians 1:1-5; 4:15-17; Titus 1:5-9

Q: How are you truly partnering with your church in the gospel?


The gospel is the good news that the Creator God reconciles sinners to Himself through the work of Christ, as promised. Jesus, the God-man, lived the sinless life we could not live, died for sins we commit, and rose as High Priest and Sovereign King. All who repent from sin and trust in the Christ are forgiven of sin, declared and made righteous, and live in church fellowship as adopted, resurrected children of God who await Christ’s coming, their bodily resurrection, and their home with God in the new creation.

Scriptural “eschatology” starts and ends with  the mission of the gospel . 

A Sampling of God’s Promises to Save Through Christ: Genesis 3:15; 22:16-18; Isaiah 53:8-10; 54:2-3,17; 55:4-7; Mark 10:33-34; Colossians 2:13-15; Revelation 20:10; 21:6-8;

Q: How might you have lost sight of the gospel in your search to understand “last things”?

Mark 13:10 And the gospel must first be published among all nations.

The gospel  glorifies God .

Q: What of God’s work are you trying to do yourself?

The gospel  commissions Christians .

Q: What of the church’s work are you not doing? What do you currently do but have lost sight of its importance?

Main Argument: God ensures the gospel goes to the nations  through the work of Christ , as He promised. The nations exist  in every generation , so this is not a project  for us to achieve . Rather, it is  the way of life  for  all true Christians  until Christ comes again.